June 30, 2010 – A job posting gives hope that the importance of good and intentional archiving with a strong taxonomical layout of information resources has not went by the wayside. 

Not that I’m looking for a new job, but it was refreshing to see this post on IT Business Edge, “Job Description: Corporate Librarian”.  A Corporate Librarian isn’t exactly the tight-bunned, pursed lips, and wire-framed image that most people have of librarians. This is a highly valuable position and unfortunately one that seems to have been replaced or eliminated in past years. Their role is to manage and maintain all company-owned information resources and associated content. That is a position of power. Storing, archiving and building a taxonomical layout of information resources to be consistent across and throughout an organization requires a strong knowledge of taxonomy and comprehensive cataloging systems. My hat is off to the company who still sees the value of a librarian. 

Melody K. Smith 

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