linked data

Choosing Related Terms

By |August 17th, 2015|Access Insights, Featured, Term lists|Comments Off on Choosing Related Terms

Source: Dreamstime 

Which quiche? You’ll have to read to the end to find out.

As many of our readers are aware, hierarchical thesauri are distinguished from […]

Smart Thesauri: Using Taxonomies with Linked Data

By |July 6th, 2015|Access Insights, Featured, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Smart Thesauri: Using Taxonomies with Linked Data

Note: A full version of this article is scheduled to be published in an upcoming issue of the IKO eNewsletter.

As interest in Linked Data […]

Inline Tagging Facilitating Linked Data

By |September 22nd, 2014|Access Insights, Featured|Comments Off on Inline Tagging Facilitating Linked Data

Access Innovations recently debuted Data Harmony Version 3.9 and, within its new features and fixes, is a sneakily clever module called Inline Tagging. On the surface, it does exactly what the name says; it allows the user to see in a piece of content, quickly and clearly, what concepts in the text got triggered and tagged by the software. It seems simple enough, a handy tool, but upon closer inspection, it really opens doors for the user.

Time to Play

By |September 27th, 2013|News|1 Comment

We learned in kindergarten that you can learn and play at the same time. So it shouldn't be a surprise that someone has introduced an application to visualize thesaurus, taxonomies or controlled vocabularies in an entertaining manner.

New Partnership in Data Management

By |May 29th, 2013|Business Intelligence, News|Comments Off on New Partnership in Data Management

Semantic Web Company (SWC) and OpenLink Integration Business Partner Program have joined together, making Virtuoso an important part of SWC's products and services.