
Sharing the Semantics

By |March 17th, 2014|News, semantic|Comments Off on Sharing the Semantics

Sprylogics International has signed an agreement with Keek to explore sharing technology and expertise around a broad segment of cross-platform opportunities. This includes the deployment of Sprylogics' semantic processing engine into Keek's mobile platform.

Semantics and Search

By |March 12th, 2014|News, search, semantic|Comments Off on Semantics and Search

Expert System recently announced that ANSA has chosen the Cogito semantic technology to improve access in its ANSAFoto image database. The world of news and publishing have both grown more and more dependent on technologies that enable filtering to access only the content you are looking for, along with real-time sharing, both quickly and easily.

The Evolution of Search

By |March 11th, 2014|News, search|Comments Off on The Evolution of Search

Like many other segments of business, marketing technology is evolving faster than one could have predicted. Part of that evolution is targeting audiences beyond just age and demographics, but tightening the focus to the people who are truly most likely to make a purchase, at a time when they are most likely to make a purchase of whatever wares we are peddling.

Analyze Away

By |March 3rd, 2014|News, search|Comments Off on Analyze Away

In this world of big data, analytics, and science, when is enough enough? Analytics provides descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics, but some are looking for that next level – the semantic level.

The Impact of Semantics on Search

By |February 13th, 2014|News, search, semantic|Comments Off on The Impact of Semantics on Search

The semantic web is changing. This isn't new news. However, it seems to be making a bigger impact with its own brand of change.

Searching Outside the Box

By |February 11th, 2014|News, search|Comments Off on Searching Outside the Box

SearchYourCloud provides a single search interface to find documents stored on a desktop or several cloud-based services. Now they have broadened their reach to include Box in their latest version of client software. The goal is to make it more of a search once – find many kind of experience.

Webinar Offered for SharePoint and Search

By |February 7th, 2014|News, search|Comments Off on Webinar Offered for SharePoint and Search

Concept Searching and Microsoft are holding a joint webinar on Tuesday, February 18th. The session is titled "Why Metadata Matters in SharePoint Search and Information Governance."

Defining the Parameters

By |February 4th, 2014|News, search, semantic|Comments Off on Defining the Parameters

Search has never been more personal, or engaging or sometimes difficult. Properly defining your query is the key to a successful search and that isn't always the easiest of tasks. Semantic technology continues to evolve, and as a result search is becoming more comprehensive, effective, and challenging. This interesting topic was brought to us by GCN in their article, “Semantic search: Still more luck than technology.”