The Time of Data
Informatica has announced its Intelligent Data Platform that is designed to provide ”the right data at the right time.”
People often ask us how much time it will take to manage a rule base with Data Harmony software. We reply with specific customer experience numbers and tell them a few hours per month of editorial time to maintain both the thesaurus and the rule base. One customer of ours, the American Institute of Physics, found that maintaining their thesaurus and rule base takes less than 15 hours per month for 2000 articles per week throughput. Another customer, The Weather Channel, manages breaking news all day long with four hours per month of maintenance.
Metaome Science Informatics has announced the launch of DistilBio Enterprise - a knowledge discovery and exploration platform for the life sciences.
Malware is the bane of any user's existence. It harms everyone from the most naive to the competent techy guru.
Making content findable by users has become easier and more intuitive through semantic search, a technique used to determine the actual intent and contextual meaning for the keywords that a person types into a search engine. It works on the principles of language and is based on the context, substance, and intent and concept of the search phrase. Semantic search can also incorporate location, synonyms of a term, current trends, and other natural language elements as part of the search.
It is important to plan your business from every perspective – employees, customers, market, etc. Information architecture is the next step to organizing information based on that analysis.
Access Innovations, Inc. announces the Semantic Fingerprinting Web service extension as part of their Data Harmony Version 3.9 release. Semantic Fingerprinting is a managed Web service offered to scholarly publishers to disambiguate author names and affiliations by leveraging semantic metadata within an existing publishing pipeline.