
Do the Clouds Need Standardizing?

By |February 14th, 2011|News, Standards, Technology|Comments Off on Do the Clouds Need Standardizing?

Some would say the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) framework is technology-driven more than business-driven, since it is driven by blades, SANs, virtualization, etc. However, after reading the NIST document on Guidelines on Security and Privacy in Public Cloud Computing (PDF), one blogger wonders if technology has left them behind.

A New Page in Warfare

By |February 7th, 2011|Access Insights, Featured, Technology|Comments Off on A New Page in Warfare

When tanks first rolled onto the field of battle, the soldiers watched and knew that war would never be the same. When planes and submarines began to fly far above or lurk deep in the sea, people knew that the old ways were about to change. These paradigm shifts on the landscape of war trumpeted their arrival and everyone knew that another dog of war had entered the fight. But then, a new front appeared out of the blue.

Can a Computer Win at Jeopardy Over the Human Brain?

By |January 28th, 2011|News, semantic, Technology|1 Comment

Maybe the questions should be, can a computer enhanced with semantic technology and natural language processing win at Jeopardy when positioned against the human brain? Especially considering the questions rely heavily on wordplay, puns, and well, semantics.

Managing the Technology

By |January 21st, 2011|Business strategy, News, Technology|Comments Off on Managing the Technology

Is the problem with your organization the technology or the management? Or maybe the management of the technology?

Data Integration in 2011

By |January 20th, 2011|Business Intelligence, News, Technology|Comments Off on Data Integration in 2011

2011 promises to be the year of data integration. Whether your interests are in business intelligence, information access, or operations, the trends are to link enterprise data to business-relevant content drawn from the social and online information tsunami.

Semantic Partnership Formed

By |January 20th, 2011|News, semantic, Technology|Comments Off on Semantic Partnership Formed

Provider of semantic technology-powered application development tools - Cambridge Semantics – has joined with Cray Inc. to collectively develop and market high performance data solutions.

Mark Your Calendars

By |January 19th, 2011|News, reference, Technology|Comments Off on Mark Your Calendars

There are several exciting educational opportunities available this year for professionals to enhance their skills and topical knowledge. Take a moment to review the event descriptions to find the one(s) that fill your needs.

Technology is Educating Our Future Leaders

By |January 19th, 2011|News, reference, Technology|Comments Off on Technology is Educating Our Future Leaders

We all know that technology is changing daily and it is hard for us in the profession to stay abreast of new challenges and solutions. But what about the teachers? Teachers in college, teachers in high school, and even teacher’s in elementary school face the same challenge to stay technologically current after creating and preparing classroom activities and assessing students' learning.