February 10, 2011 – Ontology Systems and Capgemini Italia have teamed to build and deliver enterprise data alignment (EDA) solutions for communication service providers (CSPs). The result allows them to search and align customer knowledge across their operational systems.

Realwire.com brought this news to our attention in their post, “Ontology And Capgemini Italia Partner.” Data misalignment causes low customer profit and high customer cost. This revenue leakage affects other areas such as customer service and management.

The partnership initially focused on Italian CSPs six months ago and has already shown deliverable semantic solutions to large Italian operators. This success is driving expansions to CSPs across Europe and beyond.

Data alignment is indeed critical to the success of a business. It is only with strategic and intentional efforts that we can bring clarity to what we do, and avoid misleading coinages, undefined acronyms, and business school jargon. It is important to choose the right partner in technology. Access Innovations is known as a leader in database production, standards development, and creating and applying taxonomies.

Melody K. Smith

Sponsored by Access Innovations, the world leader in thesaurus, ontology, and taxonomy creation and metadata application.