
Search Engine Optimization Still in the Game

By |August 13th, 2012|News, search|3 Comments

ONSIS is experiencing amazing growth with their search engine optimization service, Profit By Search, which has resulted in many worldwide projects. Profit By Search works on Internet marketing and other online promotional activities using effective link building strategies, content strategies, metatagging, and other techniques.

The Value of Semantic Technology

By |August 10th, 2012|News, ontology, search, semantic|Comments Off on The Value of Semantic Technology

fluidOps offers a version of its Information Workbench platform integrated with OWLIM, an enterprise semantic database from Ontotext.

New Form of Social Media

By |August 7th, 2012|News, search, semantic|Comments Off on New Form of Social Media

A new, but different Q&A site where topics follow you, rather than you following them, is the vision of Beepl. Recently launched and using semantic technology, Beepl analyzes users’ connected LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook accounts to determine what they’re interested in. Then it presents them with questions that fit those interests.

The Power of Semantic Search

By |August 1st, 2012|News, search, semantic|Comments Off on The Power of Semantic Search

According to a South African start-up called Gatfol, search engines get you the results you want 80% of the time. Their new launch is planning on getting you closer to 100%.

Semantic Technology Used in Police Data Search

By |July 25th, 2012|News, search, semantic|Comments Off on Semantic Technology Used in Police Data Search

New Zealand Police have embraced semantic search technology in their three 24x7 contact centers. The search engine technology was developed locally by Wellington-based software company Syl Semantics.

Web Content Has Improved

By |July 19th, 2012|News, search, semantic|Comments Off on Web Content Has Improved

With all the talk about Web 2.0 and looking towards Web 3.0 of late, has the fact that the information available on the web has become more comprehensive and detailed gotten lost? The focus has been about social sharing, collaboration and user-generated content.

New Integration Increases Findability

By |July 11th, 2012|indexing, News, search, Taxonomy|Comments Off on New Integration Increases Findability

EBSCO Publishing and Innovative Interfaces, Inc. have expanded their collaboration by enabling a more tightly integrated access between EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS) and Innovative’s Encore discovery platform.

MAVIS Breaking Walls in Technology

By |July 10th, 2012|indexing, News, search|Comments Off on MAVIS Breaking Walls in Technology

Real-time, speaker-independent, automatic speech recognition was a focus of Microsoft Research, and the result produced the Deep-Neural-Network Speech Recognition based MAVIS. MAVIS (Microsoft Audio Video Indexing Service) indexes audio and video content and then allows users to search for a particular word or phrase across the entire content.

Quantum Addresses Large e-Discovery Project

By |July 10th, 2012|indexing, News, search|Comments Off on Quantum Addresses Large e-Discovery Project

Quantum Discovery recently assisted a Top 100 Law Firm on an e-discovery project and document review with a data set containing approximately 415GB of email and network data. The approximately 2 million records could easily have overwhelmed any team using the traditional search term approach, but Quantum Discovery utilized Lateral Data's Viewpoint TAR (Technology Assisted Review).