Quantum Discovery recently assisted a Top 100 Law Firm on an e-discovery project and document review with a dataset containing approximately 415 gigabytes of email and network data. The approximately two million records could easily have overwhelmed any team using the traditional search term approach, but Quantum Discovery utilized Lateral Data’s Viewpoint TAR (Technology Assisted Review).

This news was brought to our attention by Chron in their article, “Quantum Discovery’s Predictive Coding Expertise Saves Client Over $1 Million in Attorney Review Fees.” Looking for ways to save client money while providing an accurate and reliable document review in an expedient time frame, this new technology proved its worth. Lateral Data’s Viewpoint Technology Assisted Review system builds an ontology, learning from the reviewer the difference between a responsive and nonresponsive document.  Then the system can predict the calls on the rest of the data collection.

Melody K. Smith

Sponsored by Data Harmony, a unit of Access Innovations, the world leader in indexing and making content findable.