
Standards and Taxonomies – Match Made in Heaven

By |May 27th, 2011|News, Standards, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Standards and Taxonomies – Match Made in Heaven

Manually wading through unstructured, textual data archives to find documents to answer questions can be slow and expensive. New SAS Industry Taxonomy Rules starter kits recently announced by SAS, improve the time to value from the automatic classification of unstructured, textual data and from text analytics efforts as a whole.

The Standards of Watson

By now, IBM’s Jeopardy! champion Watson is old news. But the computer technology triumph, capable of understanding human language and broad knowledge topics, may have more to teach us.

DataFacet for SharePoint Released

By |May 6th, 2011|News, Standards, Taxonomy|Comments Off on DataFacet for SharePoint Released

WAND has announced the release of DataFacet for Microsoft SharePoint 2010. DataFacet combines an available library of hundreds of pre-built taxonomies with a software add-on […]

Standardization of APIs

By |May 4th, 2011|News, Standards|Comments Off on Standardization of APIs

The API has become been the primary method of integration within IT circles. When SOA was at its peak, the focus was properly on the abstraction of business functions at the API level, to provide for reuse and consistency of process across applications. However with the focus of cloud APIs and infrastructure APIS on interoperability, it is difficult to get agreement between vendors on which functions make up a common base.

Where Are They Now?

By |May 2nd, 2011|Access Insights, Business strategy, Featured, Standards, Technology|Comments Off on Where Are They Now?

Tech companies come and go. There are always tech savvy entrepreneurs with big ideas looking to fill a need in the market and investors looking to get the huge returns that only come from investing in tech startups.

Multilingual UDC Summary Shows Progress

By |April 26th, 2011|News, Standards|Comments Off on Multilingual UDC Summary Shows Progress

The Multilingua Universal Decimal Classification Summary project, containing an abridged schedule of over 2000 classes with notes and examples, continues to progress with 40 languages online, some completely translated and others in various stages of translation.

Name Disambiguation Musings

The Wall Street Journal on April 19, 2011 talked about the need for customer name authority control in banks. Okay, so maybe that is not what they said. What they did outline was the problem Arabic names and the many ways to state them gives to banks and other organizations which try to track the information or put a hold on funds for organizations like the example, Moammar Gadhafi. Also know as many other names. His first name could be transliterated as Muammar, Mummar, Mohamed Mahmut, Mehmud and more than 20 other variants. The same goes last name could be Gaddafi, Ghathafi, Elkaddafi, El-Kaddafi, Al-Gaddafi, Gadhafi, Qaddafi, Al-Qadhafi, El-Qaddfi, Qadhafi, Abu Miryar Al-Qahafi, Ghadaffi, and others. Any combination of these names is valid. There are further complications of the Abu or Al or El and other designations of honor make things even more interesting.

Taxonomy Standardization is Going On Everywhere

By |April 4th, 2011|Access Insights, Featured, Standards, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Taxonomy Standardization is Going On Everywhere

The entire idea of using a controlled vocabulary, a.k.a. thesaurus, a.k.a. ontology, a.k.a. taxonomy, a.k.a. authority file, a.k.a. a pick list, a.k.a. attribute table --is to standardize the nomenclature an organization uses to tag, keyword, add descriptors, controlled vocabulary, subject heading, content tags, semantic indexing, etc., to their content so it can be found, searched, retrieved,… well, you get the idea.

Teaching in the Web 3.0 World

How are the semantic web, mobile web, and the immersive Internet changing the way we learn and deliver learning? One author takes on that question and addresses how roles have changed in the process.