
Webinar Address Authority Files

By |March 4th, 2014|indexing, News|Comments Off on Webinar Address Authority Files

The American Society for Indexing is hosting a webinar titled - Creating Name Authority Files for Large Indexing Projects. Leading the event is Linda Dunn from Dunn Information Organization. Linda has been a periodical indexer for over thirty years and has been interested in authority files since she began indexing. Through her work with multiple databases she has become familiar with many types of authority files both proprietary and open source.

Taxonomic Technology in a New Market

By |February 17th, 2014|Access Insights, Autoindexing, indexing, News|Comments Off on Taxonomic Technology in a New Market

This past week, Access Innovations has been hosting the annual Data Harmony Users Group (DHUG) meeting, which has included a variety of presentations. We presented a case study titled “Proven Technology in a New Market: the Data Harmony Suite of Products — A Game Changer in the Medical Claims Compliance Space.”

Capturing the History

By |February 3rd, 2014|indexing, News|Comments Off on Capturing the History

ISKO (the International Society for Knowledge Organization) has made its free online bibliographic service, Knowledge Organization Literature, even more comprehensive. This recent enhancement will cover nine more years back in bibliographical references. Covering the years from 1988 to the present, the Knowledge Organization Literature database continues to be updated with recent literature.