The continuous push and pull of new regulations, projects and analytics investments create constant disruption for organizations. The volume of data created and managed is overwhelming. To address this, it feels like a refresher on data governance 101 is in order. This interesting topic came to us from ZD Net in their article, “Data governance for 2020 and beyond.” Businesses are great at collecting data, and even the most advanced organizations want to use it to power digital transformation. However, that is not as simple as sounds, nor is data governance.

Effective data governance grows out of data management maturity. It is why organizations are hiring chief data officers and activating strategic and unified data, analytics and data governance competency centers.

Data governance policies and procedures are designed to create consistency and quality in the data you create, manage and store so at the end of the cycle, findability is simple and effective. All this requires strategy, and a good taxonomy to index the data.

Melody K. Smith

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