Google search has made it possible to look for information not just based on text, but also including websites, images, videos, books, locations, etc., using the same Google search engine. Not everyone may find this information useful, but for those who work with images, graphics, and copyright infringements, it is a huge help. We found this news at Press and Update in their article, “How to Make Google Searches Using Images.

Google search has evolved over the years. When compared to the earlier versions and options, this application has grown exponentially. Google has been evolving with every step of technological change, and keeping up with the times has helped this search engine stay ahead.

The critical part of any data search, regardless of type, is being able to find the content you are looking for with ease and speed. A standards-based taxonomy provides clear and concise order to your data, which enables comprehensive search results. Standards are key to a solid taxonomy and comprehensive indexing.

Melody K. Smith

Sponsored by Data Harmony, a unit of Access Innovations, the world leader in indexing and making content findable.