Artificial intelligence (AI) has become more prolific than anyone could have expected in such a short time. So it surprises us that the government hasn’t chimed in and attempted to put some controls around AI. Maybe that time is now. This interesting information came to us from Reuters in their article, “Trump administration will allow AI to ‘freely develop’ in U.S.: official.”

Recently an official of the Trump administration acknowledged the impact the technology is having on jobs growth, but said they will not stand in the way of the development of AI in the United States. This took place at a White House summit that included companies like Google, Facebook and Amazon.

AI and deep learning has raised ethical concerns about control, privacy, cybersecurity, and the future of job growth. According to technology policy advisor Michael Kratsios, “to a certain degree, job displacement is inevitable. But we can’t sit idle, hoping eventually the market will sort it out. We must do what Americans have always done: adapt.”

Melody K. Smith

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