Emerging technologies have everyone excited. Big data and blockchain are touted to be the next big things set to revolutionize the way organizations do business. This interesting topic came to us from IT Pro Portal in their article, “Implications of blockchain In data science.”

Blockchain technology entered public awareness with the increasing interest in digital currencies such as cryptocurrencies and bitcoin. However, today it has found relevance not just in recording cryptocurrency transactions, but also recording anything of value. Studies are showing blockchain skills to be one of the hottest commodities in the freelance marketplace.

Data science is one of the trending industries in technology today. It is also known for predictive analytics, diagnostic analytics and descriptive analytics.

Both these technologies are all about data. While blockchain validates and records data, data science focuses on deriving meaningful insights from data for problem-solving. In addition, both of these technologies employ algorithms to control interactions with different data segments.

Melody K. Smith

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