The quantities of data collected by businesses these days continues to grow exponentially. As you can imagine managing and then analyzing these vast data sets is a challenge. This interesting topic came to our attention from Silicon in their article, “Data Lakes and Big Data Analytics.

Having a big data analytics strategy for every organization is vital to ensure the real value is revealed, utilized and protected.

The volumes of data are are increasing because of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the roll out of the 5G network. Once every device is connected to the network, the quantities of data available will explode. If businesses are struggling now, it is only going to become more of a challenge.

The real benefit from all this data lies in predictive analytics. Applying machine learning techniques results in business intelligence that no business can ignore.

Big data analytics is now a fact of life. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are unlocking the true potential of these powerhouses.

Melody K. Smith

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