It is only half way through 2020 and predictions are already surfacing for what 2021 might offer in the world of technology. I realize many people are already over 2020 and want to see nothing more it can offer, but what might be the big technological trends waiting for us on the other side of December? This interesting information came to us from Hindustan Times in their article, “4 big tech trends for 2021.”

Regardless of a virus or economic downturn, the technological industry is constantly evolving and is undergoing a chain reaction of rapid developments. No matter where you are based in the world, it is nearly impossible to escape the way new technologies are reshaping everyday life at home and at work. So, how will your work and personal life be changed by technology in the next 12 months? Look to the edge.

Cloud computing is now a stable part of everyday life. But now that cloud computing is no longer an emerging technology, we can look to edge computing for the next big leap forward. A concept that has quickly spread from the mobile and telecom sector to almost all industries, edge computing is much more advanced than the cloud and involves bypassing the latency that exists with cloud computing.

Melody K. Smith

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