Data Conversion Laboratory (DCL) is offering another webinar and it is titled, “Semantics and Structure: Unlocking Content to Reach More Global Customers.” Access Innovations, Margie Hlava and Jay Ven Eman will be sharing about the partnership between DCL and Access Innovations.

Technology and content are empowering products and ideas that were previously impossible. In fact, content structure and semantics are the building blocks that enable downstream capabilities, such as search engine and database discoverability, consumption through voice interfaces and new monetization opportunities.

Semantics and structure are more powerful together than on their own. In this webinar, they will explore how two organizations—Access Innovations, Inc. and Data Conversion Laboratory—created a partnership that builds on their individual strengths to provide a cohesive, strong solution for clients. Join Mark Gross along with Margie and Jay as they discuss the effort and thought process put into their partnership to provide semantic and content structure services.

Register today here.

Melody K. Smith

Sponsored by Access Innovations, the world leader in thesaurus, ontology, and taxonomy creation and metadata application.