The marketing and advertisement industries, like many others, are going through a period of changes as technology and standards around data are rapidly evolving. Ad Age brought this interesting topic to our attention in their article, “Putting the Consumer at the Heart of Data Strategy.”
From augmented reality and virtual reality to bots, brands have more engaging ways to connect with consumers than ever before. However, consumers have justified concerns about how their data is processed and that their privacy concerns are being addressed.
Incorporating virtual reality into a well-rounded marketing strategy has the potential to awaken your storytelling capabilities. Effectively immersing customers into the new world you want to create requires you to think holistically about the experience and invest time and energy into seamlessly producing that experience.
Artificial intelligence (AI) marketing uses emerging technologies to make automated decisions based on data collection, data analysis and additional observations of audience or economic trends that may impact marketing efforts. AI tools use data and customer profiles to learn how to best communicate with customers, then serve them tailored messages at the right time without intervention from marketing team members, ensuring maximum efficiency.
Melody K. Smith
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