Data governance is essential to enable digital transformation in all industries. Within pharmaceuticals and life sciences, a data governance strategy is needed to fully utilize secondary uses of data to further innovation. This interesting news came to us from European Pharmaceutical Review in their article, “New group to tackle data governance and guide digital transformation in pharma.”

Some examples of secondary uses include using synthetic comparator arms in trials, the deployment of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and natural language processing (NLP), as well as the use of real-world evidence to inform drug discovery and improve clinical trial design.

Varying formats that data assets are currently stored as makes it impossible to extract their full value. It requires data being machine readable and actionable. To overcome cultural resistance, the life sciences industry must address the longstanding and instinctive cultural bias against data sharing by incentivizing it.

Because robust data governance and underlying data sharing infrastructure are essential to accelerate R&D innovation.

Melody K. Smith

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