The National Information Standards Organization offered an interesting webinar last month titled, “Standards-Specific Ontology Standard.” If you were able to attend, you know that the topic of how ontologies are supporting the greater interoperability of standards and standards data.

If you missed it, don’t worry. It was recorded and can be listened to here.

The NISO SSOS (Standards-Specific Ontology Standard) Working Group is developing a high-level standards ontology, beginning with a common framework to define define standards’ lifecycle states. This ontology will support greater interoperability of standards and standards data, which will in turn aid standards users, standards discovery, functionality and publishing processes.

Working Group co-chairs Robert Wheeler, Director, Publishing Technologies at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and Cord Wischhöfer, Project Coordinator from DIN Software GmbH joined NISO Associate Executive Director Nettie Lagace to chat about this project, which has been underway for about six months, and its collaboration with Access Innovations in creating an ontology will help harmonize a varied publishing ecosystem. 

Melody K. Smith

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