Genomic data are primarily used in big data processing and analysis techniques. Such data are gathered by a bioinformatics system or a genomic data processing software. Genomics and proteomics data have changed the face of disease and therapeutics research, drug discovery and development.

Typically, genomic data are processed through various data analysis and management techniques to find and analyze genome structures and other genomic parameters. Data sequencing analysis techniques and variation analysis are common processes performed on genomic data.

One of the major challenges is how to make sense of the wealth of genomic data that is available in the public domain. While there is a huge amount of data in the public domain, much of the information is messy and not standardized. This means that looking for or comparing data has become a real issue.

This isn’t a problem unique to genomic data. In practice, this means artificial intelligence (AI) automates the steps that humans would take to complete analysis in an exhaustive fashion. AI can test every possible data combination to determine hierarchies of relationships between different data points— and it can do so much faster than a person could.

To achieve data standardization and to preserve it, you need to educate the organization about why it matters. Most organizations utilize data from a number of sources – data warehouses, lakes, cloud storage, databases, etc. However, data from disparate sources can be problematic if it isn’t uniform.

Machine learning algorithms that are employed in AI analytics are very powerful. They can parse through the incredible amounts of data that enterprise companies accumulate and identify the key relationships that drive business.

A controlled vocabulary is needed to ensure that the machine-assisted or fully automated indexing is comprehensive, regardless of what you are indexing.

At the end of the day, content needs to be findable and, that happens with a strong, standards-based taxonomy. Access Innovations is one of a very small number of companies able to help its clients generate ANSI/ISO/W3C-compliant taxonomies and associated rule bases for machine-assisted indexing.

Melody K. Smith

Sponsored by Access Innovations, the world leader in thesaurus, ontology, and taxonomy creation and metadata application.