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TaxoBank Adds Pasta Lover’s Thesaurus

May 6, 2011 – One of the most recent TaxoBank entries is a description of the Pasta Lover’s Thesaurus, apparently a student project but nevertheless an informative and mouth-watering example of a straightforward hierarchical and relational thesaurus.

TaxoBank is the Taxonomy ShareSpace sponsored by Access Innovations. Over the past 32 years, Access Innovations has worked with hundreds of custom built taxonomies and has encountered thousands more in their consulting and training functions. They developed this site to enable sharing and reuse of taxonomies, provide visitors with informative examples of taxonomy structure, show the variety and scope of existing taxonomies, and reveal the possibilities that can be achieved with a taxonomy.

This free interactive site makes available a space for sharing controlled vocabularies and discussions about their use. Check it out.

Melody K. Smith