June 8, 2010 – SearchBlox Cloud Search allows customers to leverage the on-demand computing power of the cloud technology and the pricing model allows organizations to deploy cost-effective search solutions for websites, custom applications and search verticals.

A fully integrated product incorporating Lucene, crawlers, document parsers and a server management console, SearchBlox customers can deploy Lucene-based search solutions quickly and more cost-effectively, compared to starting with the Lucene Search library.

Founded in 2003, this Virginia based company claims the vision to create “search middleware” — ubiquitous search tools that are part of the software infrastructure. Their aim is to provide customers with the infrastructure required to implement search functionality quickly and efficiently. A key part of their vision is to make the tools accessible to both technical and non- technical users.

They seem to be positioned to succeed. Time will tell.

Melody K. Smith

Sponsored by Data Harmony, a unit of Access Innovations, the world leader in indexing and making content findable.