Technology continues to evolve and grow at a rampant pace. In the not so distant future, the technology will exist that allows us to scan our purchases with our smart phone and learn not only the nutritional information, but information on the “fairness” of the food. It is The Jetsons meet Michael Pollan.

This interesting topic was brought to our attention by GreenWise Business and their article, “Green future: harnessing data for sustainability.” As far-fetched as it seems, it is probable to see this in the next couple of years. Already product tagging is taking place and the smartphone technology is a no-brainer, so all that is left is a database of production data. Enter Mark Graham and Wikichains.

“The goal of Wikichains is not to push any particular standpoint”, says Graham, “but rather to allow people to make more informed ethical choices.” For him, it’s important” that consumers can access information about the impact of their purchasing decisions.
Melody K. Smith

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