The next step in the semantic web may be cognition-as-a-service (CaaS). CaaS will enable every application to become as smart as Siri in its own niche. CaaS powered applications will be able to think and interact with consumers like intelligent virtual assistants.
Don’t worry, cognitive applications will not be as intelligent as humans anytime soon, and they probably will not be anything like the 20th century ideas of humanoid robots. But they’re going to be a lot smarter than the software of today. And this is exciting. This interesting topic was inspired by the article, “Why Cognition-as-a-Service is the next operating system battlefield“, found on Gigaom.
The intelligence that powers cognitive applications will come from cloud based platforms that host their “brains”, which means that vast, always increasing, intelligence will be available via APIs.
Using advanced natural language processing can determine sentiment. Semantic technology continues to evolve and be used in a variety of applications. It has never been more important to have someone with the expertise and knowledge handling your content, developing your taxonomies, and making your information findable.
Melody K. Smith
Sponsored by Data Harmony, a unit of Access Innovations, the world leader in indexing and making content findable.