Mostly known as a method for technical writers, structured authoring is fast becoming the preferred choice for enterprise-level content production. This interesting information came from ClickZ in their article, “Structured Authoring: The New Normal in Content Production.”
The science of information retrieval and processing is an ever-changing science. The evolution is evidenced by last fall’s Hummingbird update and the changes at Schema. Adjusting to semantic search in this evolutionary process is key if marketers want to keep up. Consider it much like the impact the printing press took when technology hit the print world.
To be most effective, modern content needs to be machine-readable for semantic technologies. It needs to be responsive to users at ever-more-granular levels and easily deployed on mobile and stationary devices alike.
Melody K. Smith
Sponsored by Data Harmony, a unit of Access Innovations, the world leader in indexing and making content findable.