Franz Inc. is collaborating with Montefiore Medical Center, Intel, Cloudera and Cisco in the launch of the first Semantic Data Lake (SDL) for Healthcare. PRWeb brought this interesting news to us in their article, “Franz and Montefiore Medical Center Team up to Deliver the First Semantic Data Lake for Healthcare.“
What exactly is a SDL? A warehouse of complex data can be too slow, too inflexible and costly. Data lakes are built largely to help address the challenges of data warehouses and the onslaught of big data. Unlike data warehouses, data lakes use the concept of “pre-processing as little of the data as possible beforehand” to literally toss all the data into the data lake in its native form and fish out what is needed later.
Montefiore Medical Center is developing the SDL Healthcare platform to enable and scale knowledge-based analytics, classification, pattern recognition, predictive modeling, and simulations. The platform integrates complex information for basic science, clinical, population, community, environmental, behavioral and wellness research data.
Melody K. Smith
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