The power of cognitive computing is in its ability to illuminate what was previously invisible. This could be traits from the unstructured data of sound, pictures and movement that allow more-informed decisions. This interesting information came to us from DATAVERSITY in their article, “Making Your Business More Resilient with Cognitive Computing.”

Cognitive computing represents progress in its ability to process a vast amount of information, learn from that information and provide conclusions – in context. The same cognitive capabilities that are expanding knowledge and redefining analytics can be deployed to make any enterprise more resilient.

Cognitive computing brings to the table many possibilities. It can be deployed for resiliency planning as well as predicting. It can also help prioritize the most effective allocation of assets to restore systems and services, assist employees and notify customers. The list may literally be endless.

Semantic computing is what natural language processing, the heart of cognitive computing, is doing. Data scientists use cognitive computing tools to extract the implicit semantics from unstructured content sources.

Melody K. Smith

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