NTENT recently announced the expansion of its next generation semantic search and natural language processing technologies to support the Russian language. Business Wire brought this news to us in their article, “NTENT’s Semantic Technology Now Transforms Information Discovery for Russian Speakers, Making it Faster and Easier to Find Information.”

This falls in line with the needs of the global technology world because more than half the world’s population speaks two or more languages. The introduction of the Russian lexicon into NTENT’s ontology and semantic processing capabilities transforms information discovery for over 171 million Russian speakers. This will make findability easier and faster.

Using NTENT, Russian speakers are able to extract information from multiple sources with more ease and without the need to pinpoint exact keywords in order to find the information they want.

The ontology is designed to be language-independent, giving the ability to identify definitions and interrelationships of entities regardless of the language.

Melody K. Smith

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