What does artificial intelligence (AI) have to do with content management? CMS Wire brought this news to us in their article, “12 Ways AI Has or Will Change Content Management.”
Many professionals think 2017 could be the year of AI. With intelligent machines invading and affecting our lives on a daily basis, that is easy to believe. How many people do you know who received Amazon’s Alexa for Christmas? With Uber’s self-driving cars becoming more possible, things like virtual maids and flying cars don’t seem as futuristic or science fiction now.
What can AI do for your content management system (CMS)? AI is being used in content management to analyze past and current consumer behavior, to help determine priorities, to predict which customers are likely to buy particular products or services and the best way to reach and engage them. This is already prevalent in search.
There has been much accomplished with much more room to grow. Considering AI is based on predictable behaviors and humans are not always predictable or rational, we have more to learn.
Melody K. Smith
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