Deep learning will gather some traction in the coming years. This interesting information came from Tech Juice in their article, “Top 3 technologies that will help companies thrive in the next 10 years.”

Gartner, a leading technology research and analysis company, has released a new report that highlights the megatrends that help digital businesses thrive in the next decade.

The first on the list is artificial intelligence (AI). The report indicates it will be the most disruptive technology in the coming decade. With the increasingly powerful computers, massive amounts of data being produced daily, powerful deep neural networks, organizations that are well-equipped with AI will stand a better chance at solving their problems and growing their businesses.

A close second is augmented & virtual reality. Companies like Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, and Samsung are already working in augmented reality and virtual reality areas. This should be a huge clue that they are the next big thing.

Melody K. Smith

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