You have heard of audio books that talk to you, but what about talking to the books? This interesting information came to us from Engadget in their article, “Google AI experiment has you talking to books.”

Everyone is reporting about how Google Research is using natural language processing in artificial intelligence (AI) on what it calls Semantic Experiences – websites with interesting activities that demonstrate AIs’ ability to understand how we speak. One of the two experiences is called “Talk to Books,” because you use the website to type in a statement or a question, and it will find whole sentences in books related to what you typed.

This is not about keyword matching. They trained the AI by feeding it billions of conversation-like pairs of sentences, so it can learn to identify what a good response looks like.

Google Research’s other new website called Semantris offers word association games, including a Tetris-like break-the-blocks experience. The two games can recognize both opposite and neighboring concepts. The AI-training model enables algorithms to learn relationships between words based on actual language usage.

Melody K. Smith

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