Flexible registering of peer review content and associated discussions of published content is on many academic professionals wish list. To meet this request, Crossref has extended its infrastructure to not only support the registration of this content, but also the easy retrieval, use and reuse of it, through its public API. This interesting information came to us from EurekAlert! in their article, “Crossref facilitates the use of peer review information for scholarly communications.”

This is a significant advancement for the discoverability and usability of peer review reports. Metadata to characterize both the peer review type and stage–to accurately reflect the history of the review–can now be deposited and searched for. Metadata for over 10,000 peer reviews is now openly available and easily retrievable for analysis and integration into other tools and services, through Crossref’s public API.

As the data is not subject to copyright and no sign-up is required to use it, anyone can retrieve the information necessary for their own integration and analysis.

Melody K. Smith

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