“Big data” describes massive amounts of data, both unstructured and structured, that is collected by organizations on a daily basis. Big data can then be filtered and turned into smart data before being analyzed for insights. This leads to more efficient decision-making. Smart data can be described as big data that has been laundered – and not in the illegal way. DATAVERSITY brought this interesting information to our attention in their article, “Big Data vs. Smart Data.”

Smart data is a new and important tool for business. During the screening and filtering process, decisions are made as to which data should be blocked, and which should be presented. Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) are used for specific purposes during this process. AI is an ongoing attempt to create intelligence within machines, allowing them to work and respond like humans. It has provided flexibility and can address unique goals.

Collecting smart data is not only about eliminating excess data. Smart data may come from a variety of different sources, which opens up opportunities for organizations to develop highly focused business intelligence models.

Melody K. Smith

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