Bots” is the new word being thrown about as social media wages war against artificial intelligence (AI). This came to us from the Wall Street Journal in their article, “Bots vs. Trolls: How AI Could Clean Up Social Media.

AI has been referred to as a cure-all remedy, able to fix all the problems that plague the internet. And in the next breath the source of all things wrong with the world. That is unfair and a lot of pressure and blame to put on one technology.

A bot is software that can respond back to user inputs, relying upon the input keywords. It can use natural language processing or some regular expression to process the statement. AI has made bots, especially chat bots, better and more realistic. That is a good thing and a bad.

Over the past several months Facebook has outed fake accounts that bear marks of Russian foreign agents using AI technology. “Thanks to AI tools we’ve built, almost all of the spam was removed before anyone reported it, and most of the fake accounts were removed within minutes of being registered,” Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said in a post announcing the report.

Melody K. Smith

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