Ethics when it comes to technology has always been a moving target. With the speed of advancements, it is hard to keep up with what we should be doing vs. what we can do. This interesting subject came to us from IT Pro Today in their article, “The Industry’s Growing Artificial Intelligence Ethics Challenges.”

Google recently announced their Advanced Technology External Advisory Council–an advisory artificial intelligence (AI) ethics board and within a matter of days, the tech giant shut the board down after scrutiny, petitions, and resignations. The short life of the AI ethics board is another example of how organizations are wrestling with the ethical considerations of a technology area that is changing quickly.

Is this representative of boards like these in general or was it specific to the Google culture? Google’s planned AI ethics board wasn’t going to have real decision-making power; it would have been advisory, not prescriptive, which led some to charge that the board would be only for public relations and an exercise in futility.

Melody K. Smith

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