The virtual event, “Seeking Sustainability:
 Publishing Models for 
an Open Access Age,” was originally developed as a pre-conference for the annual UKSG conference, which like so many events was cancelled due to the global pandemic.

Keynote speaker, Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, is sharing her presentation and highlights around open access, business models, and sustainabilityThe Scholarly Kitchen brought this interesting topic to our attention in their article, “Seeking Sustainability: Publishing Models for an Open Access Age.

One of those highlights was about establishing yourself as an open access publisher.  Any number of issues and policies are pushing authors, libraries and funders to explore greater open access publishing. Starting up as an open access publisher requires capital. So does shifting to open access publishing from subscription models. Each has the possibility of different kinds of investments and efficiencies. Emerging models are possible considerations depending on their historic publishing practices, their financial stability, and whether they have reserves to capitalize a change in business practices and processes.

Melody K. Smith

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