Machine learning is part of most everyone’s daily lives. At work or at home, which can be the same these days, there is a possibility that you are using it in one way or the other and you don’t even know about it. This interesting information came to us from CMS Wire in their article, “Using Machine Learning To Gain a Marketing Advantage.”

When it comes to marketing, organizations are looking for some insight into customer spending habits, which are fluid. To give them an edge, many marketing departments are exploring machine learning tools.

As the amount of data collected grows in both variety and volume, companies are looking for tools to help them gain insights into their customers’ behavior patterns and find some trends to predict spending likelihood.

Engaging customers where they are when they’re the most receptive to communication has the added effect of growing customer loyalty and improving brand reputation. Customers do not appreciate being inundated with marketing pitches all the time.

Melody K. Smith

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