Ethical issues face professionals in all occupations. Some are more obvious and more destructive than others. Those who work in machine learning, data science, analytics and related professions understand this all too well. This interesting topic came to us from Machine Learning Times in their article, “Diversity and Collaborative Problem Solving to Address Wicked Data Ethics Problems.”

Research on group decision making shows that the more diverse teams are more successful. In addition to the effect on product development, a lack of diversity can also be beneficial to cybercriminals. Customized malware attacks are one of the most common phishing attacks. Having a team that is as diverse as possible can help defend against those because of the various perspectives.

Much has been written about the problems regarding diversity and inclusion in the tech industry. Despite all sincere efforts to fix these issues, it will never ultimately be fixed because the tech industry is a reflection of our society and all of its issues pertaining to race, gender, class, ability, age and sexual orientation. However, that does not mean there is no hope to be had.

Melody K. Smith

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