It is no surprise that most corporate executives have a different vision than most of the other staff. Granted, they are supposed to be looking long-term at visioning strategic futures, but sometimes they need a reality check. A recent study by economics and machine learning researchers says that thanks to machine learning, executives are getting worse at understanding reality. Venture Beat brought this interesting topic to our attention in their article, “How machines are changing the way companies talk.”

The analysis found that companies are adapting their language in forecasts, SEC regulatory filings and earnings calls due to the popularity and use of artificial intelligence (AI) in analytics.

Businesses are beginning to change the way they talk because they know machines are listening. Forms of natural language processing are used to parse and process text in the financial documents companies are required to submit to the SEC. Machine learning tools are then able to do things like summarize text or determine whether language used is positive, neutral or negative. This is good, right?

Melody K. Smith

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