Data is coming in from new and different channels, mobile devices, Internet of Things (IoT) devices and at a volume never before seen. It is easy for organizations and users to be overwhelmed by it all. This interesting topic came to us from CMS Wire in their article, “Drowning in Data: Is Your Data Strategy Helping or Hurting Your Brand?”

With so much data being produced and accumulated, it is easy for brands to drown in data. That said, not all data is valuable or worth the time and resources it takes to manage. Organizations need to be able to discern the difference.

An effective data strategy allows brands to collect and analyze data, obtain actionable insights from the data and store the data for future use. Most information is stored with thought to strategy or future use. Upwards of 80% of enterprise data is considered dark – information assets organizations collect, process and store, but generally fail to use for other purposes.

Melody K. Smith

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