It is hard to believe that there are still organizations who have not adopted some form of artificial intelligence (AI) but it is possible, and it is not too late. Inside Big Data brought this topic to our attention in their article, “New to AI Adoption? Don’t Let Data be Your Achilles Heel.”

With the increasing rise of AI and machine learning, organizations are finding the value in the emerging technologies. One of the biggest and easiest to attain values is the assistance in making sense of massive data sets. Finding the patterns that can automate programs across industries is AI’s super power.

AI can help organizations create a seamless, personalized and responsive experience for customers. AI can help companies identify, reach and convert their target audiences. Unfortunately, when done incorrectly, there can be unintended consequences. The value of AI and automation is only as good as the underlying data sets that drive its algorithms. 

Melody K. Smith

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