Since crystal balls do not exist, science just might have a substitute. With the partnership of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and utilization forecasting, the next best thing to clairvoyance might exist. Gigabit brought this interesting topic to us in their article, “Optimising Utilisation Forecasting with AI and Machine Learning​.”

The significance of AI has not been lost on organizations worldwide, with many of them believing that AI will play a big role in their operations, specifically with regard to utilization forecasting – a technique that applies machine learning algorithms to produce daily usage forecasts for all utilization volumes across physical and virtual servers, disks, storage and other network elements, enabling networking teams to manage resources proactively.

The AI and machine learning forecasting solution produces intelligent and reliable reports by taking advantage of the current availability of ample historic records and high-performance computing algorithms.

The future may reveal AI and machine learning-driven forecasting and monitoring to rival the predictive powers of the fabled crystal ball.

Melody K. Smith

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