Gone are the days when gut instinct and executives’ opinions were the sole basis for decisions. New goals, priorities and principles are driving the future. This interesting topic came to us from Venture Beat in their article, “Predictive transactions are the next big tech revolution.”

There is a powerful disruption happening. Predictive transaction processing is set to upend years of computing, and change the way we live, work, shop and entertain.

Predictive analytics is a form of advanced analytics that uses both new and historical data to forecast activity, behavior and trends. Predictive analytics has grown alongside the emergence of big data systems. Data scientists use predictive models to look for correlations between different data elements in website clickstream data, patient health records and other types of data sets.

This technology only works when you have access to data. Making data accessible is something we know a little about. Whatever you are searching for, it is important to have a comprehensive search feature and quality indexing against a standards-based taxonomy.

Data Harmony is Access Innovations’ artificial intelligence (AI) suite of tools that leverage explainable AI for efficient, innovative and precise semantic discovery of new and emerging concepts to help find the information you need when you need it.

Melody K. Smith

Sponsored by Access Innovations, the intelligence and the technology behind world-class explainable AI solutions.