In natural language processing (NLP), human language is separated into fragments so that the grammatical structure of sentences and the meaning of words can be analyzed and understood in context. This helps computers read and understand spoken or written text in the same way as humans. Natural language understanding (NLU) is the part of cognitive science interested in how the human brain recognizes any human language. This interesting topic came to us from Medium in their article, “Solving the NLU Crisis: Next Steps.”

NLP and NLU are often confused. Instead, they are different parts of the same process of natural language elaboration.

Understanding a language allows us to build machines that we interact with quickly — like any other human who speaks our language — but with the added benefit of being able to instantly access other electronic systems.

Business applications often rely on NLU to understand what people are saying in both spoken and written language. This data helps virtual assistants and other applications determine a user’s intent and route them to the right task.

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Melody K. Smith

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