Data quality is important. It is the measure of how well suited a data set is to serve its specific purpose. A recent report highlighted the importance of data quality as well as the consequences of ignoring it. Venture Beat brought this interesting news to our attention in their article, “Ignoring data comes at a price, report finds.”
According to the report, 97% of data leaders say their companies have suffered the consequences of ignoring data, either missing out on new revenue opportunities, poorly forecasting performance, or making bad investments.
When data is deemed to be of low quality, it is likely that the inputs are to blame. The manner in which data is collected will have a lot to do with the quality of what lands in a database, and what is ultimately retrieved. Organizations who wish to improve their data quality will inevitably need to address input issues with data quality tools.
Making data accessible is also important. Whatever you are searching for, it is important to have a comprehensive search feature and quality indexing against a standards-based taxonomy. Data Harmony is Access Innovations’ artificial intelligence (AI) suite of tools that leverage explainable AI for efficient, innovative and precise semantic discovery of new and emerging concepts to help find the information you need when you need it.
Melody K. Smith
Sponsored by Access Innovations, the intelligence and the technology behind world-class explainable AI solutions.