Technology is not just for the big box stores. Retail establishments of all sizes are taking advantage of the tools available. The Seattle Times brought this interesting information to us in their article, “How data mining may soon shape your neighborhood.”

Even with the pandemic, in-person shopping is still very popular. There are various forms of emerging technologies in stores and entertainment venues. From crowd-tracking cameras, data from smartphones, statistics of neighborhood foot traffic and sophisticated demographic data, the aim is to replicate the data gathering and analysis of the online experience.

Cloud-based technology solutions leverage advanced digital technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI). This is rapidly transforming the consumer products and retailing industries on a global scale. These emerging digital and analytics technologies are already enhancing predictive capabilities in supply chain management, including forecasting, allocation and alerting to optimize on-shelf availability and automate forecasting and allocation.

Making data accessible is something we know a little about. Finding concepts takes AI to delve through your data collection to identify and classify concepts and allow you to expand your semantic model to create meaning and relationships. Whatever you are searching for, it is important to have a comprehensive search feature and quality indexing against a standards-based taxonomy.

Data Harmony is Access Innovations’ AI suite of tools that leverage explainable AI for efficient, innovative and precise semantic discovery of new and emerging concepts to help find the information you need when you need it.

Melody K. Smith

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