As data volumes, varieties, and velocities increase, securely storing, processing and governing your data becomes more challenging. This interesting topic came to our attention from CIO in their article, “Prevent your data lake from turning into data swamp.”

The flexibility of schema in a data lake allows users from different operational silos of a business to store, retrieve, and utilize multi-structured data from diverse sources.

Unlike data warehouses, which only store processed structured data for some predefined business intelligence and reporting applications, data lakes bring the potential to store everything with no limits. This could be structured data, semi-structured data, or even unstructured data.

At the end of the day, data needs to be findable, and that happens with a strong, standards-based taxonomyData Harmony is our patented, award winning, artificial intelligence (AI) suite that leverages explainable AI for efficient, innovative and precise semantic discovery of your new and emerging concepts to help you find the information you need when you need it.

Melody K. Smith

Data Harmony is an award-winning semantic suite that leverages explainable AI.

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