Businesses need to understand customer expectations to provide quality customer service. Data is the answer. This interesting information came to us from KnowTechie in their article, “Data engineers can bring consumer expectations to life.”
Data engineering transforms raw data into a format that analysts and business users can use and make it possible for companies to understand their customers and make decisions based on that understanding.
Data taxonomy is the classification of data into hierarchical groups to create structure, standardize terminology and popularize a dataset within an organization.
As with hierarchy, metadata is a concept inherent to data taxonomies, since taxonomies aim to summarize data within their classifications. It should be noted, however, that metadata is a concept that usually refers to a comprehensive summary of a dataset, as with a data dictionary.
Whatever you are searching for, it is important to have a comprehensive search feature and quality indexing against a standards-based taxonomy. Choose the right partner in technology, especially when your content is in their hands. Access Innovations is known as a leader in database production, standards development, and creating and applying taxonomies.
Melody K. Smith
Sponsored by Access Innovations, the world leader in taxonomies, metadata, and semantic enrichment to make your content findable.