With the opportunity to leverage new forms of data and analytical techniques comes significant complexity in terms of data governance. Balancing the opportunities and challenges from the digital economy requires having sound data governance frameworks.

Leaders who aim to enhance organizational performance through the use of digital technologies often have a specific tool in mind. But digital transformation should be guided by the broader business strategy.

Hundreds of billions of connected people are interacting over multiple devices and much of it for real-time transactions. Because only so much of the data being amassed will actually have implications for a company, the greatest value will come when the quality of information is high and the experts are able to find the relevant data to bring into the organization.

Other solutions across data management and analytics disciplines that also seek to provide single views of data can wind up adding more functionality that isn’t essential to addressing the core issue.

Data has depth and layers. Its value, meaning and protection requirements shift depending on the circumstances in which it is obtained and used. At the end of the day, however, data is only as valuable as the insights that can be extracted from it.

At the time of fast expanding information technology, a tendency to overemphasize the significance of a poorly defined notion of information may be very misleading. Information and knowledge are at different stages of the same continuous process, in which an individual integrates newly perceived data into the already existing system of relations known, linking together data previously comprehended, and thus expanding the scope of that person’s understanding.

The problems of knowledge loss, especially of the digital variety, continue to change every few years. Changes in context may render an archived body of knowledge irrelevant, especially over long periods of time.

Every industry utilizes technology in varying degrees. Even with the digital transformation being realized everywhere, there are still some areas that need to reprioritize their technological approaches.

These technologies can be challenging to understand, let alone implement. Data Harmony is Access Innovations’ AI suite of tools that leverage explainable AI for efficient, innovative and precise semantic discovery of new and emerging concepts to help find the information you need when you need it.

Melody K. Smith

Data Harmony is an award-winning semantic suite that leverages explainable AI.

Sponsored by Data Harmony, harmonizing knowledge for a better search experience.